
Frontend Developer with clean code and Strong UI/UX Skills

Using the latest technologies and best practices to craft adaptive web interfaces that perform seamlessly across all devices.


  • English-Zykova


    This website was custom-built for an online English language studio in Russia. For convenient content management, the site is integrated with the CMS It also supports multilingualism and offers several themes.

    Stack: Next.js v.13, TypeScript, i18next,, SCSS, Framer Motion, Zustand, react-hook-form, zod

  • Empoint


    This web application enables clients to find specialists for psychological support. It features role-based personal accounts for clients, specialists, administrators, and moderators. The platform also supports video meetings powered by Multilingual options and both dark and light themes are available to enhance user experience.

    Stack: Next.js v.14, NextAuth (auth.js), JWT, TypeScript, i18next, Redux-Toolkit, RTK-Query, Axios, React Spectrum, Framer motion, SCSS, zod, react-hook-form

  • Medalist


    An application for HR departments within companies designed to motivate employees. HR personnel can create awards and nominations, conduct draws, and distribute awards. The app also includes an internal store where prizes can be purchased with points from awards. Additionally, there is an admin panel for creating awards, departments, and companies.

    Stack: Next.js v.13, Keycloak, TypeScript, Redux-Toolkit, RTK-Query, Framer motion, SCSS, Tailwind, MUI, chart.js, Jest

  • Medicine


    An application designed for clinics in Moscow. It features personal accounts for nurses and doctors. The platform allows for the scheduling of tests and facilitates the handling of large data sets in tables. It also supports complex forms and charts.

    Stack: TypeScript, React, Redux-Toolkit, Redux-Thunk, Axios, Rest-API, Styled Components, AntDesign


  • Next.js


  • React


  • TypeScript, JavaScript


  • Redux-Toolkit, RTK-Query, REST API, Axios


  • Zustand




  • AntDesign, MUI, Tailwind, React Aria


  • Framer motion


Additional technologies and skills

  • Git


  • Jest

  • React testing library

  • Сhart.js

  • xlsx

  • PostMan

  • Figma

  • zod

  • React hook form

  • i18next

About me

  • 2023 - 2024

    In December 2023, I joined 'ANO DPO NADPO' as a senior frontend developer. I am currently leading the development of the Empoint project from scratch and also providing support for another project within the company. I manage a team of four other developers, chose the technology stack for the project, and designed its architecture. I continue to work here to the present.

  • 2023

    From August to December 2023, I worked at Cloud Technologies. I developed new features for existing projects as part of a small team. The company specializes in developing applications for clinics and hospitals in Moscow and the Moscow region.

  • 2021 - 2023

    From September 2021 to August 2022, I single-handedly developed the Medalist project from scratch. For the first six months, I worked part-time because the startup was unfunded. After receiving a grant, I was moved to a full-time position. In July 2023, the funding ended, and I had to look for a new job.

  • 2020 - 2024

    In my free time from work, I engage in freelancing. I take on small projects that do not have strict deadlines.

  • 2015 - 2019

    I worked as a manager at a private firm. I distributed tasks within the team, conducted negotiations with the main clients and partners of the center, searched for new team members, and conducted interviews.

  • 2014 - 2015

    After graduating from university, I worked for a year as a software engineer at NIIRT in Nizhny Novgorod. I was involved in developing various modules using QT and C++.

  • 2011 - 2014

    I received a higher education in Mathematics and Computer Science at one of the top universities in Nizhny Novgorod, Lobachevsky State University.